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Where to go for Financial Advice After a Bereavement

Where to Go for Financial Advice After a Bereavement

Knowing what to do with a loved one’s finances can be difficult and complicated. Help is often required to get financial advice, which is something we offer at Kenna and Turner. We can help you to navigate funeral costs and provide financial advice after a bereavement.

According to the SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2021, the cost of dying has reached record levels of £9,263 in 2020 – a 39% rise in the last decade. Even for basic funerals you’re looking at costs upwards of £4,184.

When you loose someone you love the last thing on your mind is the cost of the funeral, or how you’ll cover your finances now.

However, these realities can quickly creep up and become overwhelming to deal with at such a delicate and difficult time.

At Kenna and Turner we can help you to navigate funeral costs and provide financial advice after a bereavement. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

How Much Does a Funeral Cost?

No-one really considers funeral costs until the dreaded day comes when you have to organise a funeral for a loved one. During bereavement these funeral decisions can seem overwhelming and the prospect of organising such an event can seem daunting, which is why our passionate team of funeral directors in Wallasey, Wirral will do everything we can to ensure the service is within budget and meets expectations.

Funeral costs are dependent on many different factors, in particular whether you’re looking for a burial or cremation; burials tend to be the more expensive option. When calculating funeral costs you’ll need to consider some or all of the following:

  • Coffin
  • Transport
  • Flowers
  • Catering
  • Death certificate and other documentation

If you’re wondering where to find help with these funeral costs, then you’ve come to the right place, as we can help advise you on the best possible action to take, based on your individual circumstances.

Where to Find Help Towards Funeral Costs

If you are concerned about covering the funeral costs, then look no further as we can help you find financial help towards funeral costs. Until you are faced with bereavement and the prospects of organising and paying for a funeral, it can be hard to imagine the work and costs involved, which is why most people are not prepared for even the most basic funeral costs. However, help is within reach with these channels of support.

Funeral Expenses Payment

If you are on a low income and currently claim for certain benefits or tax credits you may be eligible for the Funeral Expenses Payments from the Social Fund. This financial support can make a real difference and help you to host the send off your loved one deserves.

The support you receive through this scheme is dependant on your individual circumstances, as eligibility is based on your income, current benefits and tax credits, relationship with the deceased, if you meet the rules for where the funeral takes place and if you claim in time.

If you meet the eligibility criteria then it’s likely you will receive some or all of the following financial support:

  • Burial or cremation fees
  • £1,000 towards funeral expense, which usually covers funeral directors costs, flowers and coffin
  • Cost of moving the body
  • Cost of documentation required for the funeral and to release the funds and property of the deceased.

Bereavement Support

Bereavement Support Benefit is designed to provide financial aid to those struggling to fund the immediate costs caused by the death of a spouse or civil partner. For this support you do not need to be receiving any benefits, but you need to be under the state pension age when your civil partner or spouse died and you need to have been a resident in the UK at the time of death. You must also ensure that your spouse or civil partner paid the minimum amount of Class 1 or Class 2 National Insurance contributions during their working life.

There are two rates that you can apply for, these are the Standard Rate and Higher Rate.

Standard Rate

The standard rate will provide you with an initial payment of up to £2,500 and 18 monthly instalments of £100. This rate is suitable for you if you were not pregnant or did not have a dependant child from your spouse or civil partner at the time of their death.

Higher Rate

If you were pregnant or you have dependent children at the date of your spouse’s or civil partner’s death you could be eligible for an initial payment of up to £3,500 and 18 monthly payments of £350

It is important to note that in order to receive the monthly payments you must apply for this support within three months of the death. After the three months you have 12 months to apply to be eligible for the initial payments and if you apply after 21 months your payments will be reduced even further.

Financial Help

Alongside both the Funeral Expenses Payments and Bereavement Support Benefit there are other channels of support you can receive finical help from.

  • Budgeting Loan – Small interest free loan to help pay for funeral and related costs. You will need to be on benefits for at least six months to be eligible.
  • Charities – there are many charities that can offer both financial and emotional support when it comes to organising a funeral. Charis Grants, Marie Curie and Friends of the Elderly are examples.
  • State Pension – you may be eligible to use your spouse’s or civil partner’s National Insurance contributions to increase your pension.
  • War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme – if your spouse or civil partner died whilst serving Her Majesty’s (HM) Armed Forces or during a time of war you can claim for the Widower’s Pension.
  • Guardian’s Allowance – if you are the Guardian of children whose parent’s have died you can claim for this allowance.
  • Housing Benefit – this benefit can help you covers the costs of rent and any rates.

Get the Financial Help you Need Today by Contacting our Friendly and Support Team.

Here at Kenna and Turner we have over 100 years of experience providing compassionate and professional funeral services. Let us guide you through these difficult times with our expert knowledge on bereavement and funeral costs.

All you have to do is call us on 0151 638 4444, or email us at for advice and guidance.



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