Bereavement Support Payment
The Bereavement Support Payments are paid into your bank, building society or credit union account and the payments can vary based on circumstance, these are as follows.
If you were married or in a registered civil partnership with the deceased:
If you were getting Child Benefit when your partner died (or did not get it but were entitled to it), you’ll get the higher rate.
This is made up of:
- A first payment of £3,500
- Up to 18 monthly payments of £350
If you were not entitled to Child Benefit, you’ll get the lower rate unless you were pregnant when your partner died.
- A first payment of £2,500
- Up to 18 monthly payments of £100
You must claim within 12 months of your partner’s death to get the first payment. If you claim after this time, you will only get monthly payments.
The other circumstance is if you were living together as though you were married with the person who died, if this is the case, you’ll get the following support for funeral costs
You’ll get a first payment of £3,500 and then up to 18 monthly payments of £350.
However, you may get fewer payments if:
- Your partner died after 9 February 2023 and you claim more than 3 months after your partner’s death
- Your partner died before 30 August 2018